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    @jsulm Yes, I use manual layout and don't use vertical layout or horizontal layout, should I use that?

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    Nhan NguyenN

    @SimonSchroeder hello, I'm the developer who is responsible for the Forum upgrade. This changes is not intended by us and basically came from the upgraded NodeBB core. I will try to investigate and bring back the old style

  • Everything related to designing and design tools

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    Serhan KarsS

    @JKSH said in How can I add QtPdf module to Qt Design Studio?:


    Thank you very much @JKSH. Copying the dlls that plugin needed to C:\Qt\Tools\QtDesignStudio\qt6_design_studio_reduced_version\bin solved my problem

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    I've seen WPF and others listed, but I haven't seen anything that mentions WinUI 3 support for Squish.

  • Everything related to learning Qt.

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    Thanks @Emilia_Qt ! If it's planned to happen this year then in it's all fine.

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    I would recommend to no longer use Q_FOREACH it is deprecated for a reason! Use the ranged based for loop the c++ standard offers
    for (auto &item : container)

    less error prone, less conflict with other libraries, faster compile times.

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    Je dois créer un plugin pour MuseScore qui peut étendre/réduire les durées d'un ensemble de notes sélectionnées selon un pourcentage choisi
    MuseScore le fait pour un pourcentage =50% et 200% mais pas pour un autre pourcentage.

    Voici mon script qml:

    import MuseScore 3.0 import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1 MuseScore { menuPath: "Plugins.ScaleNotes" description: "Elargir/Rétrécir les durées des notes sélectionnées en pourcentage" onRun: { if (!curScore) { error("No score open.\nThis plugin requires an open score to run.\n") Qt.quit() } } function applyDurationPercentage(score, percentage) { var selectedElements = score.selectedNotes for (var i = 0; i < selectedElements.length; ++i) { var element = selectedElements[i] if (element.isChord()) { var chord = element.toChord() for (var j = 0; j < chord.notes.length; ++j) { var note = chord.notes[j] note.duration *= percentage / 100 } } else { var note = element.toNote() note.duration *= percentage / 100 } } } Rectangle { color: "lightgrey" anchors.fill: parent GridLayout { columns: 2 anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 Label { text: qsTr("poucentage(0 to 1000): ") } SpinBox { id: velocityOffset maximumValue: 1000 minimumValue: 0 value: 0 editable: true // Permet à l'utilisateur d'entrer directement une valeur // Gestionnaire d'événement appelé lorsque la valeur du SpinBox change onValueChanged: { var getValeur = velocityOffset.value; // Récupérer la valeur du SpinBox console.log("Nouvelle valeur de percentage:", percentage); // Utilisez la valeur de percentage comme vous le souhaitez } } } } Button { id: applyButton text: qsTranslate("PrefsDialogBase", "Apply") onClicked: { applyDurationPercentage(score, getValeur) Qt.quit() } } }

    Pourquoi aucune fenêtre contextuelle ne s'affiche lorsqu'on clique sur ce plugin après avoir crée une partition?

    merci de votre aide

  • This is where all the posts related to the Qt web services go. Including severe sillyness.
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    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to animation & QT, I'm trying to create relatively simple micro-animations with the Lottie creator and export them via my Lottie dashboard as Lottie JSON.

    I know that QT can handle Lottie animations, but there are some limitations. ( The developer I'm working with told me that in my latest animation file, I've fixed every limitation except for a single time stretch command. The problem now is that I didn't play with time stretch in my animation file and I can't find the error. When I skim through the exported JSON I find two 'sr'1, instances (for the two elements my animation contains). If I'm not mistaken, this should just mean that it's running at normal speed - right?

    At first I thought I had accidentally applied time stretch somewhere in my animation, but now I think the problem might be with the Lottie creator (somewhere in the export) and that QT has trouble with it, because the normal way would be to export it via the bodymovin plugin in After Effects.

    Has anyone had & solved this problem?
    Should I build everything in After Effects and use the bodymovin plugin?

    I can't find anything related in the web, I would be very happy if someone could tell me what I need to do differently.
